Pre-Procedure Instructions

To ensure the best results, please follow these instructions before treatment

The eyebrow area needs to be healthy, strong, non-sensitive and non-irritated prior to treatment. You also need to wash your hair prior to the appointment, so you can avoid water around your brow area the evening of the treatment.

If you want to, you can bring headphones to the treatment to reduce the sound during the process.

Getting your skin ready for the procedure:

  • Discontinue vitamin A/retinol products one month prior to the procedure

  • Do not have Botox three weeks prior

  • Do not have any type of facial/peel two weeks prior

  • Do not take fish oil or vitamin E one week prior

  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows three days prior

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure

  • Do not use antibiotics in the five days prior 

To avoid excess bleeding and poor colour deposit:

  • Do not consume coffee or energy drinks five hours before your procedure

  • Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your treatment

  • Avoid anything that is likely to thin the blood for 24 hours prior, this includes 

    • Aspirin, ibuprofen or Panadol for pain relief

    • Antihistamines, tramadol

  • If you are on medication that thins the blood, you may need a doctor’s note or a signed waiver.