Post Procedure Instructions

 To ensure the best results, please follow these instructions after treatment

AfterCare Steps

  • Keep the lips clean and moist, using a clean and cool wet washcloth to wipe your lips when needed.

  • Apply vaseline to your lips as often as needed to keep them moist. Do this with a cotton bud only, Do not use your fingers.

Avoid the following:

  • Scrubbing or rubbing the treated area or touching it with your fingers.

  • Peeling or picking at the crust. Doing so can lead to delayed healing, pigment loss or scarring.

  • Strenuous activity for the 2 days following your procedure.

  • Avoid using any makeup or gloss on the area for a week after the procedure. When you do use makeup or gloss, try to use a new product as this reduces the risk of any secondary infection.

  • Exposing your lips to intense environments, such as chlorinated pools, tanning beds and hot tubs for 2 weeks following your procedure. While you can have a shower, try to avoid getting forceful water on your face. Apply an extra layer of vaseline before taking a shower.

To get the most out of your permanent cosmetics:

  • Use a good sunscreen. Sun exposure tends to fade your cosmetics.

  • Avoid using exfoliating and acidic products around the area, as they can lighten your colour over time. Examples include hyaluronic acid and Retin-A.

What You Can Expect

  • The initial colour will be stronger and more vibrant than your final result. The colour will soften and fade up to 50% as the skin heals.

  • You may experience some initial swelling, along with redness, itchiness and/or tenderness. These symptoms will decrease over time.

  • You might experience some pigment dropping out or flaking off. This can sometimes occur and will be filled in during your touch up visit.

Cosmetic tattoos are considered permanent because the pigment molecules remain in your skin. However, the colour is not permanent and will naturally fade over time. Scheduling a colour boost every few years is recommended for refreshing your colour. A colour boost also gives you the chance to change the specific shade that of your lips.